Create a copy of a product
Use the Copy Product dialog to create a copy of a product. The product copy will be an exact copy of the original product except that it will not have any of the benefit scores from the original product.
Enter a name for the new product by modifying the original product name. If you leave the original name unchanged, it will be appended with a number in parentheses, much like a duplicate of a document on your desktop.
Numeric price of copied product. The price is the same as the original product and cannot be changed from this dialog.
Per (unit)
Unit selection of copied product. The unit selection is the same as the original product and cannot be changed from this dialog.
Product Sales (or configured name)
Product Sales of copied product. The product sales is the same as the original product and cannot be changed from this dialog. If this field name was reconfigured on the Start tab, the configured name will appear here.