Price Chart
This chart is a visual representation of your model's economic value estimation. Quickly the components are, first the competitor price or reference value (blue bar), the sum of all your positive value drivers (green) and negative value drivers (dark red), and the sum of which is net differentiation value – the light green area.
In this graph, you also see your offering's price (yellow) as well as the differentiation value split for the customer. The grey bar shows the differentiation value captured by the customer, and the light red bar shows the differentiation value captured in your price.
This lighter green area is called Differentiation value. It’s the net value that your offering provides. Namely, the sum of the dark green bar (which represents the sum of all your positive value drivers) minus the red bars (which represents the sum of all your negative value drivers), again if you have them.
It’s fair to say that the higher the differentiation value, the stronger your competitive positioning is with that customer.