Add or Adjust Value Capture Types
Value Driver Types are the available presets for the Type column on the Value Drivers tab in Price Setting. To adjust the label associated with a preset option, click in the box with the value driver type name.
Capture is the preset value capture percent associated with a Value Driver Type. To adjust the capture percent associated with a preset option, click in the box with the capture percent.
The original preset value driver types and capture percentages can be changed, but cannot be deleted. If preset options are changed, you can use the reset button to revert to the default type name and capture percentage.
To add a value driver type, click the Add type link, and provide a value driver type name and capture percentage. This new type will be available to select for the Type column on the Value Drivers tab in Price Setting. To delete a new type, click the X button next to the type.
Competitor Price is the percent of the competitor price that will be captured in the modeled price on the Value Drivers tab in Price Setting. All value capture from value drivers will be added to the competitor price capture.