Quantify this variable
Search for relevant data. The search field is pre-populated with the variable name. You may edit these search terms without affecting the actual variable name.
You may want to restrict your search to certain sources, depending on the situation. For example: data libraries may contain market research-approved data; value propositions may contain the data approved for use in the field; and unique value propositions (UVPs) may contain the most up-to-date information collected from the field during sales conversations.
Search Results
Search results are ordered by relevance, or how well the search terms match the information in the name column.
For data from a value model, value proposition, or UVP, you may click the link in the Found in column to open the source document in a new tab.
Click the more link in each row to see the metadata associated with that value, including Tags, Source, and Notes.
Data library results should at least have the data source indicated, but most results will have no associated metadata.
Click the Select button once you've found the data you are looking for.
Remember, once you have quantified the variable, it is a best practice to add any metadata which will later help you or other users understand where the information came from. This may be done using the Edit Metadata option in the drop-down menu at the right.