Negative (-) value drivers describe the specific, unfavorable economic impacts that your offering costs this customer versus the competitor.
Most negative value drivers show direct, additional costs to the customer associated with using your offering. However, for accuracy and credibility, it is important to also include any obvious negative value drivers based on benefits in areas where the competitor offering is superior to your own.
Under Additional Cost(s) vs. NBCA, click the Add Custom link to enter any specific, direct costs uniquely associated with using your offering, rather than the competitor, e.g. installation, training, etc.
Under Value Driver Shortfall(s) vs. NBCA, follow the same procedure for the competitor as was done for your offering. List the Features and Benefits of the NBCA that your offering lacks, or where the NBCA is clearly superior to your offering. Then select any associated value drivers from a company library, or from within any of the Value Models to which you have access.