Note: Data Push must be enabled by LeveragePoint. If you would like to make Data Push available in your configuration, contact your LeveragePoint account manager.
LeveragePoint has added new functionality that can provide administrators the ability to ensure value modelers are using the most up to date data for selected variables in existing value models. This may prove useful for variables relating to industry data, product specifications, pricing, or any situation where data may change frequently.
Data Push enables administrator users to update selected Data Push variables in selected Value Models. Data Push cannot be used to update formulas, add/delete price components and value drivers, add variables, or change variable names.
To execute a Data Push, you must:
- Label a Data Push Source model
- Tag variables as Data Push
- Label a Data Push Target model
Data Push Source Value Model
The Data Push Source Value Model is the model you will use to control data push variables throughout your configuration. There can only be one Data Push Source value model, so it is important that this model only be editable by administrators to avoid data integrity issues.
To create the Data Push Source Value Model, simply add the label "Data Push Source" to the designated Value Model.
If more than one model is labeled as Data Push Source, the value model that was created first chronologically will be the only value model considered for Data Push.
Tagging Data Push Variables
Variables in your Data Push Source model must have the Data Push tag in order for the updates to those variables to be pushed to your Data Push Source models.
Data Push tags are available in type ahead when editing variable tags (see How to Edit Variable Tags). There is no limit to how many Data Push Variables you can have in one model.
Data Push Target Value Models
The Data Push Source Value Models are the models that will receive Data Push variable data updates. There is no limit to how many value models can be designated as a Data Push Target Value Model.
To create the Data Push Target Value Model, simply add the label "Data Push Target" to the designated Value Model.
The most common way to create a Data Push Target model is to copy the existing Data Push Source model and add the Data Push Source label. All variables tagged with Data Push will be copied over, but the value model labels will be reset.
You can add the Data Push Target label to an existing value model as well. However, the Data Push will not occur unless the variable in the Data Push Target model has the Data Push tag and the exact same name as the variable in the Data Push Source model.
Executing a Data Push
A Data Push will only occur when the three requirements are met:
- The data in a variable tagged with Data Push was updated in the Data Push Source value model
- A variable with the same name tagged as Data Push exists in a model labeled as a Data Push Target model
- The Data Push Target model is opened
The last step is important to note. Data Push events only occur when the Data Push Target model is opened. That is, variables tagged as Data Push will not be updated until the Data Push Target model is opened.
When the above requirements are met, the Data Push Target model will open with the notification seen below:
At that time, the Data Push changes will automatically be saved to the Data Push Source model.